For Honor – PS4

One of the big surprises of E3 2015 was Ubisoft reveal For Honor. 4v4 game Viking / Knights / samurai Ubisoft Montreal offers intense multiplayer competitiveness of a shooter with the melee finesse of the third person action game. It is a strange thing to understand from just to see the film that aired during the Ubisoft press conference. Fortunately, two of us went in 2016 with hands game – we both played like knights, the only type of character available at this preview event – and lived to tell the story.
After reading our impressions, check out 11 cool facts about De Honor you might not know.
Considering there are 12 hours, I had never heard of honor, it is remarkable how quickly he managed to slip its way into my affections. Maybe because I came without any particular expectations, but already a new franchise Ubisoft has established itself as one of the titles that I’m sure to pay attention to the time this week ends.
At first glance, you might be inclined to reject for the honor as reskinned Dynasty Warriors, but nothing could be further from the truth. The deep battle spacers creates tension because it is centered on the selection of one of three directions in which to block or push. Match the blow of your opponent and you will enjoy a successful response; are mistaken, and you will bleed. The result is a situation in which you and your opponent size each other, looking at your respective blades film position to position, both play defense while weighing the risks associated with taking the first step. It is also exciting and engaging time while the shots feel like they have weight behind them. All-in-all, it is quite the rush.
Of course, an extra dimension is created by three additional players on each team. You down the entire enemy team at a time or if you are in luck to have your teammates beside you as you jam an enemy, the resulting skirmish is enough power, especially as competence and the existence of shooting friend means a single defender can easily get the better of his attackers.

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