Firewatch – PS4

Firewatch is a first person adventure video game developed and published by Campo Santo by Panic for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux and PlayStation 4. It was the first video game by both companies. Firewatch follows the story of a fire lookout following the Yellowstone fires of 1988.
In 1989, Henry takes a job as a fire lookout in Wyoming after his wife develops advanced early-onset Alzheimer’s. On his first day, Delilah, a viewpoint to another viewpoint, the contact by walkie-talkie and asked him to investigate the illegal fireworks by the lake. Henry discovers a pair of drunken teenage daughters, who accuse him of ogling. On the way back, he comes across a locked cave and sees a shadow. He returns to his lookout to find it ransacked.
The next day, Delilah asked Henry to investigate a shot communication line. It is cut with an apparently signed by adolescents note. He and Delilah plot to scare the girls, but when he found the campsite ransacked girls, they start to worry. A note left on the site accuses Henry to ruin their camp and steal their property.
Later, Henry finds an old backpack and a disposable camera belonging to a boy named Brian, who says Delilah was a lookout with his father Ned. Ned was an outdoorsman who drank a lot because of his traumatic experiences in the Vietnam War, while his son, Brian, knew the novels of fantasy and role playing. Although it is against the rules for employees to bring their children to the towers, Delilah loved Brian and lied about his presence. Obviously, he and Ned abruptly left and never returned.
Adolescent girls are missing. Fearing an investigation, Delilah falsifies reports that she and Henry met the girls. At the lake the next day, Henry discovers a radio and a clipboard with notes, including transcripts of his conversations with Delilah. He then knocked out by an unseen assailant. He wakes up to find the clipboard and radio disappeared. In a meadow called on the header of the clipboard, it is a search area government fenced off. He broke and discovered surveillance equipment and typed reports detailing his conversations and Delilah and privacy. He also discovered a tracking device which he takes with him.
Henry and Delilah discuss destroy the government’s court, but decided against it. As Henry walks home, someone set fire to the camp. It uses the tracking device to find a backpack with a key to the cave. Delilah reported a figure in the tower of Henry; when Henry arrives, he finds a Walkman taped to the door with a record incriminating discussion of Henry and Delilah destroy the government’s court.
When Henry enters the cave, someone locks the door behind him. He escapes by another exit and discovered the former hideout of Brian, where he went to escape his father when he tried to teach her to ride. It goes further into the cave using climbing equipment left at Brian Camp, and discovered the mummified body of Brian in a cave. Delilah is shocked by the news, blame themselves for allowing Brian to stay.

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