Project Cars 2 – XBOXONE

What’s great about this level of detail is it makes every single lap different, and shows the level of dedication and focus needed to be a good driver. I had five minutes to drive as many laps as possible, hoping to get faster each time. My outlap involved missing two turnings and driving into the tyre walls, so not the best of starts, but after getting to grips with the car and learning the track, I started to feel quicker.
After setting an initial 1:28 lap, I knew I could be faster. I followed my previous race line, braked a little earlier so I could exit corners quicker and attack the next one with greater speed. What’s cool is the game gives you real-time counters of how much faster or slower you are in each sector at the top of the screen, showing exactly where time is gained or lost to help you learn. The next lap was a 1:18, I felt fast, and only had one minute left, so this final lap needed to be my best.

However, as with all good sim racers, whenever you try to be too fast is when they punish you most. After breaking too late into the second hairpin turn, I tried to overcompensate by turning whilst breaking, which sent the nose of the car almost facing back where I came from. I managed to save it, but this left me two seconds behind the previous lap. Then in the next corner I accelerated too soon in a desperate attempt to make up time and completely spun out. I failed, but even with just me, the car and a lap timer the game was absolutely exhilarating.

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