Omen of Sorrow – XboxOne

You will probably have lost it in the shuffle between Akuma’s official announcement, details on Street Fighter V Season Two and the reveal of a little game called Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, but another new fighting game was revealed during the PlayStation Experience. Shown ever so briefly in a sizzle reel for Sony’s upcoming indie games that are coming to PlayStation 4, AOne Games revealed their new fighter, titled Omen of Sorrow.A horror-themed fighter, Omen of Sorrow casts characters from myth and literature, with characters like Dr Hyde the Twisted Alchemist and Gabriel the Mongrel Knight fighting it out in traditional creepy locations like dingy laboratories and cathedral bell towers. From the short trailer and the artwork on its site, Omen of Sorrow draws major similarities to Killer Instinct with its character choices, drawing on classic horror tropes like the werewolf and the succubus to pad out its roster. Hopefully we’ll see more unique character designs and locations as we get more information on the game.Touting itself as a “fast paced, high mobility fighting game”, let’s hope Omen of Sorrow can entice players to stray away from the plethora of big name fighters that are coming out next year. All the footage in the trailer is pre-alpha, so expect character models, moves and the overall visual fidelity to change in future as AOne Games further develop Omen of Sorrow.

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