Borderlands 3 – Xbox 360

Battleborn art director Scott Kester said he will be the art director on Borderlands 3.
“We don’t even know if we’re going to call it that. We could call it Borderlands 4 for all we know,” Pitchford added.
Gearbox chief creative champion Mikey Neumann, who also provides the voice of beloved mechanic Scooter, will be writing it.
Neumann brainstormed a possible character that may or may not be included in the final game. Said character would be Scooter’s son, Scooper. “I did this whole Scooter thing, then I pitch-shifted it up like seven semitones so it sounds like a chipmunk and it was the funniest thing I’d ever heard,” Neumann said. Now he wants the character to be canon, but nothing is official just yet.
The studio noted that Battleborn will have plenty of Borderlands easter eggs and that its DLC will have Borderlands 3 easter eggs. “There’s already a lot of Borderlands easter eggs in Battleborn,” Pitchford said. “But they’re all from previous Borderlands games. So what if we put easter eggs for future stuff in the DLC?”
“We could do that,” replied Battleborn creative director Randy Varnell.
Beyond that we don’t know anything like platforms or estimated release window. Still, it’s confirmation on what Gearbox is up to next.
Elsewhere, Gearbox noted that Battleborn characters will be available as musicians in Rock Band 4. Here’s a pic of how that will look.

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