Agony – XboxOne

The trailer starts dark and dreary, with some fading in and out of bloody halls being traversed while a man warns players away from the lure of the Red Goddess. From there, the trailer gives you some quick cuts to inhumanly creatures feeding while a rapidly breathing woman’s mouth is focused upon. We see some of the demon creatures that players will encounter along their journey; twisted and demented bodies; horrifying pathways lined with mutilated corpses; and consistent flashbacks to a woman, naked from the waist up who appears to have her lower half engulfed in a hardened canopy of viscera. The game seems to taunt and tease players with imagery of pure agony. All sorts of twisted, torturous situations that most people would never fathom of thinking about. It reminds me of the hell scenes from the movie Event Horizon. Very rarely has hell ever been captured in a visual medium equivalent to the kind of weight it’s received in certain books of the Bible, especially the terrifying description in the Book of Enoch. In Agony it appears as if they really worked hard at Madmind Studios to make players feel as uncomfortable, disturbed and terrified as possible as they make their way through the hellscape and toward the lair of the Red Goddess. I’m really curious how well this game will be received by the ratings board given that it’s scheduled to release on the Xbox One and PS4, alongside PC next year. It seems like it might borderline on that AO rating. Anyway, you can look for Agony to arrive sometime in spring or summer of 2017 for both home consoles and for PC. For more info feel free to visit the official website.

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